Why you should choose a weatherproof garden bench

So you’ve decided the type of garden furniture you would like for your home is a garden bench. But which variety should you choose? What size, or colour of bench is right for you?

I, John Sulpton, would like to argue that the only type of bench you should consider as we move into 2016, is a weatherproof bench, particularly a Winawood bench.

Winawood Bench Review

The material looks like a classic wooden bench, with a porous feel, and a grain like effect. The colour I preferred was teak, which I thought would match the colour of my patio more favourably. The bench feels sturdy, and the arms are wide enough for me to push off to aid with standing up. So far the material appears to be like new, which is what we would expect from a weatherproof bench.

Reasons to purchase weatherproof

There are a few reasons we decided to go with a weatherproof bench, the number 1 being that we detested teak oiling our old hardwood bench, which had gotten to the point where it required a new coating every 2 months. And also the silver look of the hardwood didn’t really fit the style of our garden, and so we wanted a bench that would remain a consistent colour for us to model our garden around.

On a side note, we believe in a more sustainable way of living, and a weatherproof option is much more eco friendly than a wooden bench.

Online UK Retailers

We found the company Gardencentreshopping online when looking for garden furniture, and this is the main reason we ended up choosing a Winawood bench. Their video on the bench was informative, and definitely spoke all the right messages to us (about not needing to teak oil the bench!).

Further Reading

For further information on the Winawood furniture range, you can read some of the popular online articles below:

http://www.sprowstonguineapigrescue.co.uk/ – Choosing the best garden bench

This article was written by John Sulpto, all rights reserved.
If you have any feedback or suggested edits, please contact me: john[at]hovercraftsomerleyton.org.uk